[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”http://www.theunchainedwriter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/edit-walking-with-God-1-16-18.jpg” credit=”Linda Nelson” alt=”walking with God” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]
Everyone has a story.
The Christian life is full of them. If you’re like me and have been a Christian for a long time, then you are quite familiar with the challenges of being immersed in a culture that is counter to what we believe. If you are a new Christian, welcome to this wonderful journey of exploration, and the resounding love of God as you grow and develop and get to know your Father more intimately every day.
Every day I’m learning more about how to apply the messages that I hear at church, read in my bible and sing about, to the places around me. What I have discovered is that relationship is the key. Not only does God want to have a relationship with us(Deuteronomy 32:10), we also need to be in relationship with Him and with one another(John 13:35). Relationship guides us into place, distinguishes us from everyone else and maintains us through hard times, good times and times of mediocrity.
As Christians, we have a common goal- we’re all just trying to get there. And through the stumbles and the falls and the total wipe-outs, we see that God has given us every help that we need in order to finish our course, and that He is faithful and committed to our success.
My prayer is that you will be inspired to always have hope, be encouraged to dream big because we serve a big God, and are comforted by the fact that we are never alone in this journey as we continually reach for the thing that has laid hold of us and inch closer to the Creator together (Philippians 3:12-16).
If you are not a believer, yet, I want to invite you to come along and I pray that you find comfort and peace and the all-encompassing love of God on the way, because we all share the same stories.
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